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Class of 2025
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Fanney Bjargardóttir
Class of 2025
Major: Undecided :)
College: Saybrook
Hometown: Turlock, California and Reykjavik, Iceland
Activities: Taekwondo (please don't ask me if I could beat you up :) )
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you.
If you recognized those lyrics as the chorus from my favorite song "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift, I can tell you and I are going to get along well.
Major: Undecided :)
College: Saybrook
Hometown: Turlock, California and Reykjavik, Iceland
Activities: Taekwondo (please don't ask me if I could beat you up :) )
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you.
If you recognized those lyrics as the chorus from my favorite song "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift, I can tell you and I are going to get along well.

Grace Dodd
Class of 2025
Major: Literally no clue
College: Grace Hopper
Hometown: Washington, DC
Activities: Piano (repertoire contains 2 songs on repeat), dance, painting, and re-watching the Great British Bake Off to calm down from facing minor inconveniences.
Grace has an irrational fear of toe socks (they're freaky) and has one younger sister. These two facts are unrelated. She is from actual DC and has recently learned that some people like to say they're from DC when they're NOT. This is upsetting for obvious reasons. Grace danced for many years and deeply internalized when her instructor said "you have the hamstrings of a 70 year old woman." She is slightly afraid of gyms, but weightlifters also have the hamstrings of 70 year old women, so at least she knows she's not alone. Grace likes the color green and bagels with too much cream cheese. She is too indecisive to know what else to put in this bio.
Major: Literally no clue
College: Grace Hopper
Hometown: Washington, DC
Activities: Piano (repertoire contains 2 songs on repeat), dance, painting, and re-watching the Great British Bake Off to calm down from facing minor inconveniences.
Grace has an irrational fear of toe socks (they're freaky) and has one younger sister. These two facts are unrelated. She is from actual DC and has recently learned that some people like to say they're from DC when they're NOT. This is upsetting for obvious reasons. Grace danced for many years and deeply internalized when her instructor said "you have the hamstrings of a 70 year old woman." She is slightly afraid of gyms, but weightlifters also have the hamstrings of 70 year old women, so at least she knows she's not alone. Grace likes the color green and bagels with too much cream cheese. She is too indecisive to know what else to put in this bio.

Jordan Davidson
Class of 2025
Major: Electrical Engineering / Undecided
College: Davenport
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Activities: Code Haven, Yale Camerata, Writing lots of long and useless books
Yes, there is another Jordan Davidson at Yale University. No, this is not him. This Jordan is the less functional version who sometimes doesn’t reappear from the depths of whatever book she’s currently reading for days. Most of her friends are book characters. Mock trial combines learning social interaction with being book characters, which is why Jordan likes it.
Major: Electrical Engineering / Undecided
College: Davenport
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Activities: Code Haven, Yale Camerata, Writing lots of long and useless books
Yes, there is another Jordan Davidson at Yale University. No, this is not him. This Jordan is the less functional version who sometimes doesn’t reappear from the depths of whatever book she’s currently reading for days. Most of her friends are book characters. Mock trial combines learning social interaction with being book characters, which is why Jordan likes it.

Henry Jones
Class of 2025
Major: Undecided
College: Timothy Dwight
Hometown: Shreveport, Louisiana
Activities: YMTA
When he is not carefully reducing his online presence, Henry can be found complaining about Yale dining Gumbo or sleeping on his common room couch.
Major: Undecided
College: Timothy Dwight
Hometown: Shreveport, Louisiana
Activities: YMTA
When he is not carefully reducing his online presence, Henry can be found complaining about Yale dining Gumbo or sleeping on his common room couch.

Madeline Levin
Class of 2025
Major: English
College: Jonathan Edwards
Hometown: Palo Alto, California
Activities: Hiking, tap dancing, reading, and converting people who don't know they like Taylor Swift into liking Taylor Swift
Madeline is considering a career in interior design. Recently, Madeline willfully purchased a purple velvet couch for her common room. Her suitemate's father commented it looks like if Barney died and came back to life as a couch. Madeline feels great about it. Reach out to her for any and all room decor needs. Her current hobbies include peddling propaganda about Directed Studies to freshmen and being fake on BeReal. She is passionate about pickles (dill only), Nick Miller from New Girl, and the indisputable fact that California is the best state.
Major: English
College: Jonathan Edwards
Hometown: Palo Alto, California
Activities: Hiking, tap dancing, reading, and converting people who don't know they like Taylor Swift into liking Taylor Swift
Madeline is considering a career in interior design. Recently, Madeline willfully purchased a purple velvet couch for her common room. Her suitemate's father commented it looks like if Barney died and came back to life as a couch. Madeline feels great about it. Reach out to her for any and all room decor needs. Her current hobbies include peddling propaganda about Directed Studies to freshmen and being fake on BeReal. She is passionate about pickles (dill only), Nick Miller from New Girl, and the indisputable fact that California is the best state.

Noemi Liu
Class of 2025
Major: Engineering (discipline undecided) and Computer Science
College: Jonathan Edwards
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Activities: YMTA, Yale Society of Women Engineers, Chi Alpha
Noemi is a lover of nature, a supporter to all, and a hater of speaking in third person. You can pronounce my name as if I've been denied an Emmy award.
Major: Engineering (discipline undecided) and Computer Science
College: Jonathan Edwards
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Activities: YMTA, Yale Society of Women Engineers, Chi Alpha
Noemi is a lover of nature, a supporter to all, and a hater of speaking in third person. You can pronounce my name as if I've been denied an Emmy award.

Everett Parker-Noblitt
Class of 2025
Major: Political Science
College: Pierson
Hometown: Richmond, Kentucky (about 11 hours outside of Brooklyn)
Activities: Mock Trial, every intramural sport (other than soccer), and investing far too much emotional energy into the Philadelphia 76ers (#lickface).
Everett began his mock trial career in 6th grade because he enjoyed the sound of his own voice; it continues because he enjoys the sound of the accents he performs. Everett hopes this constitutes some sort of personal growth. When he is not pretending to enjoy crumpets, linguine, or shrimp on the barbie, Everett actually enjoys playing basketball (poorly), drinking unsweetened iced tea (pourly), and shopping for sneakers he cannot afford (poor-ly). In the future, Everett hopes to become President or set precedent. If these hopes don't appear, don’t fear, his rhyming skills promise an illustrious SoundCloud rapping career (ya hear?).
Major: Political Science
College: Pierson
Hometown: Richmond, Kentucky (about 11 hours outside of Brooklyn)
Activities: Mock Trial, every intramural sport (other than soccer), and investing far too much emotional energy into the Philadelphia 76ers (#lickface).
Everett began his mock trial career in 6th grade because he enjoyed the sound of his own voice; it continues because he enjoys the sound of the accents he performs. Everett hopes this constitutes some sort of personal growth. When he is not pretending to enjoy crumpets, linguine, or shrimp on the barbie, Everett actually enjoys playing basketball (poorly), drinking unsweetened iced tea (pourly), and shopping for sneakers he cannot afford (poor-ly). In the future, Everett hopes to become President or set precedent. If these hopes don't appear, don’t fear, his rhyming skills promise an illustrious SoundCloud rapping career (ya hear?).

Michael Paz
Class of 2025
Major: Undecided (probably Political Science/American Studies + Spanish)
College: Pauli Murray
Hometown: Ventura, California
Activities: YDN, tutoring, riding my bike (his name is Milo)
Lion King fan, em dash enthusiast, and amateur coffee connoisseur. Lover of puzzles—like ~puzzles~ puzzles—and sudoku. Grammar books: the best genre. Has never had a big mac or any other similar provision, burger-like in nature, from McDonalds. Does not and will not understand football. Long walks in the woods zealot.
Major: Undecided (probably Political Science/American Studies + Spanish)
College: Pauli Murray
Hometown: Ventura, California
Activities: YDN, tutoring, riding my bike (his name is Milo)
Lion King fan, em dash enthusiast, and amateur coffee connoisseur. Lover of puzzles—like ~puzzles~ puzzles—and sudoku. Grammar books: the best genre. Has never had a big mac or any other similar provision, burger-like in nature, from McDonalds. Does not and will not understand football. Long walks in the woods zealot.

José Sarmiento
Class of 2025
Major: Hopefully Global Affairs and Sociology
College: Ezra Stiles
Hometown: San Ramon, California
Activities: Theater, Yale College Democrats, music production, boxing, and cinematography
1. José hates the ocean, but likes long walks on the beach.
2. José is a supertaster (look it up), which means he's picky... but with flair.
3. José is originally from Buffalo, New York. No Buffalo Bills slander will be tolerated in his presence.
4. José does not look like Ross Lynch (from Austin and Ally) or Ellen Degeneres, so stop saying that. Instead, tell him he looks like Jack Frost, specifically from the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians (74% on Rotten Tomatoes). He would appreciate that.
5. José's favorite number is 5. Give him 5 dollars.
6. José is Venezuelan American. If you enjoy Venezuelan arepas (NOT COLOMBIAN AREPAS), we will be friends.
7. José reminds you that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you ever microwave a Pop-Tart for more than 3 seconds at a time.
15. José doesn't want to tell you this one. It's a secret.
Major: Hopefully Global Affairs and Sociology
College: Ezra Stiles
Hometown: San Ramon, California
Activities: Theater, Yale College Democrats, music production, boxing, and cinematography
1. José hates the ocean, but likes long walks on the beach.
2. José is a supertaster (look it up), which means he's picky... but with flair.
3. José is originally from Buffalo, New York. No Buffalo Bills slander will be tolerated in his presence.
4. José does not look like Ross Lynch (from Austin and Ally) or Ellen Degeneres, so stop saying that. Instead, tell him he looks like Jack Frost, specifically from the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians (74% on Rotten Tomatoes). He would appreciate that.
5. José's favorite number is 5. Give him 5 dollars.
6. José is Venezuelan American. If you enjoy Venezuelan arepas (NOT COLOMBIAN AREPAS), we will be friends.
7. José reminds you that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you ever microwave a Pop-Tart for more than 3 seconds at a time.
15. José doesn't want to tell you this one. It's a secret.

Vivek Shah
Class of 2025
Major: EPE / TAPS
College: Benjamin Franklin
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Activities: Improv, skiing, running, and other attention-seeking behavior.
Vivek has three big personality traits.
1: his experience as an employee in a Mediterranean Restaurant that didn’t serve falafel.
2: the time he got second to last in the state championships for cross country, but only because another runner literally passed out.
3: being vegetarian.
He also gets bullied by Luke Tyson for being bad at mock trial. To be fair: about half of Luke’s statements are objectively true.
Major: EPE / TAPS
College: Benjamin Franklin
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Activities: Improv, skiing, running, and other attention-seeking behavior.
Vivek has three big personality traits.
1: his experience as an employee in a Mediterranean Restaurant that didn’t serve falafel.
2: the time he got second to last in the state championships for cross country, but only because another runner literally passed out.
3: being vegetarian.
He also gets bullied by Luke Tyson for being bad at mock trial. To be fair: about half of Luke’s statements are objectively true.

Luke Tyson
Class of 2025
Major: IDK
College: Benjamin Franklin
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Activities: Procrastinating, eating, losing his AirPods, calling his mom
On the rare occasion that Luke is not actively pondering truth, justice, and the law, one might find him playing Mario Kart, napping, or hiding the fact that he's in DS. He's in the top .1% of Khalid listeners on Spotify and does not, as has been alleged, bully Vivek.
Major: IDK
College: Benjamin Franklin
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Activities: Procrastinating, eating, losing his AirPods, calling his mom
On the rare occasion that Luke is not actively pondering truth, justice, and the law, one might find him playing Mario Kart, napping, or hiding the fact that he's in DS. He's in the top .1% of Khalid listeners on Spotify and does not, as has been alleged, bully Vivek.

Paden Nichols
Class of 2025
Major: Statistics and Data Science; Chinese Certificate
College: Benjamin Franklin
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Activities: Yale Barbecue Club, Yale Lightweight Crew
Won a Lego building competition at Legoland
Major: Statistics and Data Science; Chinese Certificate
College: Benjamin Franklin
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Activities: Yale Barbecue Club, Yale Lightweight Crew
Won a Lego building competition at Legoland

Jenesis Nwainokpor
Class of 2025
Major: History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health
College: Morse
Hometown: Holly Springs, North Carolina
Activities: Yale Undergraduate Moot Court (yikes!), Morse College Council (patriot), Yale College Council (political shill?), finding room in schedule to nap (proficient), micro dosing allergens to build immunity (genius)
Jenesis is allergic to a truly embarrassing number of foods, which will not be revealed here for safety reasons (re: assassination). When she is not accidentally (or deliberately) poisoning herself in the dining hall, she spends a lot of time preparing for doomsday, pondering the genius of the Esteemed Lady Ms. Taylor Swift, or being surprised at the consequences of her own actions. If you are looking for her, she is probably right behind you.
Major: History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health
College: Morse
Hometown: Holly Springs, North Carolina
Activities: Yale Undergraduate Moot Court (yikes!), Morse College Council (patriot), Yale College Council (political shill?), finding room in schedule to nap (proficient), micro dosing allergens to build immunity (genius)
Jenesis is allergic to a truly embarrassing number of foods, which will not be revealed here for safety reasons (re: assassination). When she is not accidentally (or deliberately) poisoning herself in the dining hall, she spends a lot of time preparing for doomsday, pondering the genius of the Esteemed Lady Ms. Taylor Swift, or being surprised at the consequences of her own actions. If you are looking for her, she is probably right behind you.
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